Author: Sarixoxx

Have People Made Fun Of Who You Are? ( 26th October 2021 ) Advice

Has anyone ever made fun of who you are? Said things which makes you thinks you are nothing?

I have been in the exact position as you are.

If someone said you are not good at this or that, what would you do?

I would say nothing and just ignore them because if you do, it will show them you don’t care. But if you say something, they will know you are getting annoyed so they will keep on doing it.

Trust me because it happened to me once and that is when I realised that I should of had just ignored them.

People are going to make comments about you everyday and you will sick and tired of it. But one thing, show yourself and be yourself to show them you will never stop. And make sure to ignore the people always so be yourself, and show people this blog so it can help them!!

I am ( 26th October 2021 ) Being Who You Are

I am myself but some people don’t like it. Is it the same for you? Are people not liking you of who you are?

I am funny in my class and everywhere and I am rude but that is what makes people unique, even if the uniqueness is a bad thing.

People are going to judge you everyday trust me and you are not going to like the comments they say. But one thing, always be who you are and never stop that because people need to see who you are before they can judge you and if they do, say that you are yourself!

Always be you guys and tell people to be who they are around everyone because you can’t stop it. Now I realise that I have to be who I am around boys and teachers!

Is Your Name Unique? ( 25th October 2021 )

Has anyone ever told you that your name is worthless? It happened to me, it might be because it is common but trust me, after this blog, you will know your name is unique.

If your name is Emma and told you that your name is plain and it means nothing? Not true! My name is Sarina and it means ‘Princess’ and ‘humble woman’.

Listen, even if your name is common, it is special trust me because it is your name and no one else the right to tell you your name is bad or plain. They have their own name and so do you.

Your name is unique and special so don’t let anyone say that it is not but if they do, say and keep saying your name is unique because when you grow up, you are going to think it is a bad name!

Be yourself and love your name!

Do You Feel Like Giving Up On Your Dreams? ( 24th October 2021 )

Have you ever felt like giving up on your dreams because someone said it is pathetic? I have been there guys and I was very shy that I let them say that. I now regret that!

If you had a dream about becoming a singer and someone said it is worthless what would you do? You see, my dream is to become a singer or a Footballer but people stopped me from dreaming about that. If you love something so much and that is your dream, go for it because you might regret it.

People’s word can stop you from dreaming and it hurts you very much and it then seems that your dream is unworthy.

But it is not true, your dream is worthy and it always will be. Don’t let them get to you and make your dreams come true! Your dreams are yours and no one else’s so go for it when you are older, or you will never get it back.

I am ( 24th October 2021 ) Being Yourself

I am beautiful on the inside and outside and I am myself so no one has the right to tell me to change who I am.

I love Football so much and I am grateful that I am talented at it. Boys don’t think I am but they are wrong. No matter what, I am always going to play Football!

This message is to the boys at my school. I have a heart shaped face and I am proud of that and only lucky people have them. I am proud of who I am and I always will and I am always going to say that aloud if I have to!!

You are yourself and I am myself, make a change and stop this because being nasty and making fun of people of who they are will get you nowhere in life.

Hope you enjoyed this message guys and remember to always stick up for yourself and no matter what, be yourself!!!