What Do I Do At Night??

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. I was going to do the question thing that comes up every day, but today I just wasn’t satisfied by the question…

So I made my own!!

Now that it is the holidays for schools, my night time routine has changed, and same goes for my morning one. As you might know, Ramadan has started and allhamdulilia I managed to do all of them!

I will tell you what I do at night..

So, yesterday and the day before, I went for taraweeh prayer with my mum at one of our local mosque as they do it for the ladies too! And, I really like it, but me being a kid, I think it’s really long lol!!!!

But before I started going there, I would pray Isha and taraweeh and home. After that, I would turn my room light off ( and make the excuse of saving electricity ) and go on my laptop. I’m literally using it right now to make this blog.

Anyway, I have my own account on my Chromebook and I downloaded spotify. And it’s for many reasons. But during Ramadan, I have been listening to a podcast by a sister ( a muslim, but in Islam we refer to them as sisters/ brothers etc. ). And she talks about struggled and her voice makes me comfortable so I wrap myself up in my blanket and just listen to her. And sometimes, when the podcast finishes, I listen to the 99 names of Allah and songs- but they use only hands and mouth as tunes, which sounds really lovelyyyyy!!!!!!

Yesterday, I went for taraweeh prayer with my mum and sister. My best friend also came so I prayed with her. This time, we only prayed 8 rakat Taraweeh and left.

When we came back, I turnt my laptop on and listened to one of the podcasts. I texted one of my cousins after because I was having a problem. She always comforts me and makes mw calm down somehow. She actually reads my blogs and she knows excactly who it is..

OH NO!! My baby sis is being annoying lol! I shall stop the blog now and update you soon..


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