Well… #4

How would you rate your confidence level?

Hi everyone!!I

I literally just saw this question like, right now. And, it has a kinda ‘complicated’ answer.

To be honest, it just really depends. How? Lemme tell you how..

My personality is confident, loud, very chstty ( lol ), but on the other hand very shy at things. I am shy in some activities but in others, I will shout my thoughts out.

Let me give an example. I am very shy on telling people how I feel about them. But I am very confident when I read aloud in class. Now, they are two completely different things. And as I said before, it just depends on what it is.

Now, to the main point. This is how I would rate my confidence level: 5/10. Simply because I am both shy, quiet but I am also confident and brave.

Oops. I need to get ready for iftaar. Yesterday, it was my dad’s first Ramadan with us so my mum made a whole lot of things. OMG!! My mum was soo mad at @Dawat Tooting beacuse they comnpletely messed up our order. My mum ordered two portions of some yummy jalebi, right. But when she came back home with my sister, she sees ALOO PAKORA in the bag instead. We live far away from the restaurant. My mum got her phone and shouted. All they said is that we can come back to get some more!!

AAAHH!! Bye everyone! ❤

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